VSSNA Conferences provide evidenced-based up to date information about School Nursing Practice.
Here's information about our upcoming conference:
VSSNA and UVM Children's Hospital: Working Together Conference
Date: Thursday, August 22, 2024
Location: Double Tree Hotel by Hilton, 870 Williston Road, Burlington VT 05401
Time: 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
Topics*: Risk Management, Teaching School Nursing, Diabetes Care in School, Mental Health/Child Psych, Pediatric Dermatology
Registration Fees:
$155 for VSSNA/NASN Members
$170 for UVMMC Nurses
$185 for Non-Member School Nurses
Breakfast and Lunch provided for all attendees.
*Topics subject to change
All conference registrations are final. There are no refunds. If for any reason you cannot attend, you may send another person in your stead, but there will be no financial reimbursement for any cancellations. All membership tickets correlate to the email you provided to NASN/VSSNA for membership. If you are a member and are having issues getting a member ticket please email ec-team@vssna.org for help.
Please pay using Visa, Mastercard or Discover credit cards. We do not accept American Express, checks or purchase orders.
School Nurses: Registration is now open on Nursing Network. Click HERE.
UVMMC Nurses: To register please email Susan.Tschorn@uvmhealth.org
Vendors: Registration will now open on Nursing Network. Click HERE!
Registration is open until August 12, 2024 at 5 pm. After that there will be no additions to the registration. Please register before registration closes to ensure you will be able to attend.